Tips on How to Get Started with Home Decor

Do you want to make changes to your home or space but not sure where to start? It's not uncommon for people to desire a change but feel completely overwhelmed with what to do. It's also not uncommon for people to feel that projects will take too much time and money than what they have. Here's a few tips when considering changes in your home decor. 1. If time is limited, the most important part is to just tackle projects little by little. 2. Do a clean out! Go through drawers one at a time or a room at a time and sort, organize, donate, sell and throw away! The best way to feel like you have more space is to actually have MORE SPACE! So, get rid of things!! Everyone has their own timeline of how long to keep things that aren't being used. For most things in my house, if I haven't used it in a year, there's a strong possibility I won't miss it! And if I do, I'm pretty certain that feeling is minor to the wonderful feeling of order and cleanliness. 3. Need ideas? A great place to start is Pinterest. Search for pictures and styles that you like. Save them into files. Print them if you can. Keep a collection of pictures in a digital or physical file. Prepare to recreate ideas that you see and like! 4. Determine your budget! How much can you spend on that room or space in total! Don't blow the budget on 1 piece of furniture. This will be the time to think creatively! It's important to know that accessories are essential to bringing a space together. Plan for spending of that. 5. Try new things! If you can't afford a new piece of furniture consider refinishing or repainting pieces. With a few helpful tips, any novice can get started on the right track! A can of spray paint can cost from $4-7 and completely transform the look of an object.

The most important part is to just start doing! The fastest way to get where you want to be, is slowly! Get creative, look for creative ideas and don't be afraid of making mistakes.